FatSnax: Get In My Belly Cookies

One of the great aspects of FatSnax is that the founder, Jeff Frese, was motivated to produce a great tasting keto snack after following a ketogenic lifestyle himself. During this journey he discovered a lack of keto snacks so went off to make his own.  His passion to that mission has definitely paid off because not only does FatSnax make one delicious cookies…they actually make four. The company has a subscribe and save option that will save you 5% on your orders. A variety pack contains 12 packages (each package has 2 cookies) for $28.49 ($2.37 per package).

Each package contains 2 cookies but keep in mind that 1 cookie is a serving. These cookies are sweetened with erythritol (sugar alcohol), xylitol (sugar alcohol) and stevia.  Keep in mind that erythritol is more keto friendly than xylitol because only a very small amount is absorbed. Compared to regular sugar that provides 4 calories per gram, erythritol provides 0.2 calories per gram and xylitol provides 2.4 calories per gram. In other words, the erythritol will impact ketosis much less than xylitol. Because of these differences in sugar alcohol absorption, the epilepsy community following a keto diet generally does not subtract them from total carbs. In addition some individuals report sensitivity to sugar alcohols in terms of the potential to trigger a seizure. Always check with you keto team about sugar alcohols for your individualize situation. 

Let’s look at the nutrition profile of the cookies. The chocolate chip cookie has 90 calories, 9 grams fat, 7 grams of total carbs, 2 grams of fiber, 3 grams of sugar alcohols and 2 grams of protein. It is important to be aware that the FatSnax team does subtract sugar alcohols from their net carb labeling. Meaning you will see on the website that the cookies have 2 grams of net carbs but in the keto for epilepsy world we generally recognize that we only subtract fiber so we would say this product has 5 grams of net carbs (7 grams of total carbs minus 2 grams of fiber). 

Cookie 2.jpg

The peanut butter cookie has 110 calories, 9 grams of fat, 6 grams of total carbs, 2 grams fiber, 3 grams sugar alcohol and 3 grams fiber. The lemon cookie has 90 calories, 8 grams of fat, 6 grams total carbs, 2 grams fiber, 3 grams sugar alcohol and 2 grams of protein. And finally the double chocolate chip has 100 calories, 9 grams fat, 7 grams total carbs, 2 grams fiber, 3 grams sugar alcohols and 2 grams protein. All of the cookies are about a 1.3:1 keto ratio.

In addition to the cookies, FatSnax also makes keto friendly tea in three flavors -  matcha, pu-her, and yerba.  Each product contains 0 grams of sugar, 1 gram of net carbs and 4 grams of fat in the form of C8-MCT (medium chain triglyceride). MCT sources of fat are more keto friendly compared to other fats by providing a quick boost of fat energy. The teas can be mixed into hot or cold water and contain 30 mg of caffeine.  This may be the perfect substitute for keto coffee for those tea drinkers out there!