2021 is FINALLY here!

By Jessica Lee


You made it! We made it! 2021 is FINALLY here!  

Why does it feel so tough to celebrate?

It’s because 2020 was a hard year.  Many of us have experienced loss in some way or other.  Loss of loved ones, loss of jobs, loss of routine and comfort.  Feels strangely familiar for some of us I bet.  A new epilepsy diagnosis often brings similar despair, doubt and hopelessness. 

So how do we move forward? 

  1. Acknowledge the past-

    While going numb or burying your head in the sand may save you initially, you have to experience those emotions so the emotion can be separated from the memory, sparing you the painful parts later on. It’s a process. 

  2. Grieve-

    It’s ok to be angry, sad, guilty, in denial, etc. Get those emotions out in a constructive way. Punch a pillow, cry in the shower, bake cookies, or meditate. Then move on by digging into whatever comforts your soul spiritually and resting there for a while. 

  3. Look for the helpers-(Thanks Mr. Rogers)

    You’ve figured out by now who you can count on and who you can’t. Nourish those healthy relationships and don’t be weighed down by the disappointing ones. Relationships are fluid and dynamic-changing which ones you prioritize now is ok. 

  4. Change your perspective-

    Adversity can knock you off course, but sometimes the new path is not so bad either. Look to the small things for moments of joy. Think about how things appear from the other side of the looking glass.

  5. Take it one step at a time-

    Healing can’t be rushed. Living can’t be rushed. And you are good. 


As we enter our 5th year at Keto Hope Foundation, we will be putting this mindset to work also. We may have had high hopes for projects in 2020 that had to be sidelined, but what materialized instead was in some ways much better. 

In 2021, we look forward to expanding the Keto Friends network for improved peer-to-peer support for you, introducing new members to our Keto Hope Foundation team, joining Nutricia KetoCal in celebration of the keto community, educating health care providers on the nuances of the diet, and sharpening focus on healthcare disparities specifically affecting families using the ketogenic diet as medical therapy. 

Let’s get started!