Organizing Medical Records: A Vital Piece of Caregiver Support

Author: Jessica Lee

One crucial aspect of caregiver well-being is the importance of feeling organized and in control with the ability to easily and quickly access pertinent information about our loved ones. Since electronic medical records often do not “talk” to each other, managing medical documentation ensures continuity of care and empowers families with information that can significantly impact their loved one’s health.

Traditional Methods: Paper vs. Binders

If you are like me, you have relied on traditional methods like storing medical records on paper and organizing them in binders. This method offers a tangible, accessible format that is easy to annotate and personalize. However, it comes with its challenges. Paper records can quickly become cumbersome, filling multiple binders over time. They are also prone to wear and tear and organizing them in a meaningful way can be labor-intensive. Not to mention the lengthy post-visit process of obtaining radiology or surgical reports from the hospital. 

Embracing Digital Solutions

In recent years, the invention of digital solutions has transformed how families manage medical records. Online platforms and applications provide a streamlined approach to record-keeping. One such innovative tool that I came across is mejo® (available at, founded by a dad whose son has a rare genetic disorder. I decided to take a look for myself…

Benefits of mejo®

mejo® offers several advantages over traditional methods:

  • Centralized Storage: All medical records can be stored digitally in one place, eliminating the need for multiple binders and reducing clutter.

  • Accessibility: Information is available at your fingertips, anytime and anywhere with an internet connection, making it easier to share with healthcare providers, babysitters, or teachers.

  • Customization: Families can personalize their records, make notes, adding important details, and organize information in a way that suits their unique needs.

  • Sharing Capabilities: One of the standout features of mejo® is its ability to share selected information with caregivers, ensuring everyone involved in the care process is informed and updated.

Challenges and Considerations

While digital solutions like mejo® offer significant benefits, they do require upfront effort to input all information accurately. Families may need to spend time initially to ensure all medical history, treatment plans, and dietary records are uploaded correctly. However, the time saved in accessing and sharing information later can outweigh this initial investment.

I would love to see a tracking feature, especially for the epilepsy community. A section dedicated to seizure types, symptoms, frequency, and timing would be helpful. I would also like a section where pictures could be uploaded. This could be PDFs that include information on seizure emergency protocols or images from an MRI or a wound.

Making the Choice

When deciding between traditional methods and digital solutions, families need to consider their specific needs and preferences. Some may find comfort in the tangible nature of paper records despite their limitations, while others may appreciate the convenience and accessibility offered by digital platforms like mejo®.

Organizing medical records is a fundamental step for a caregiver. Whether choosing traditional paper methods or embracing digital solutions, the goal remains the same: to empower families with the tools they need to manage their loved one’s health effectively and efficiently. 

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I receive no payment or other compensation for reviews of products or services.  All opinions stated are my own.